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Coffee Gems at Farmers' Markets

Freshly roasted coffee beans

I love being at farmers' markets. My first contact with coffee lovers was through a farmers' market located in Fleet, Hampshire. I remember with excitement our first coffee bag sold, a Colombian single origin from a farm called "San Francisco", to a gentleman who nowadays is one of our regular customers. 

I’d been in business for half a year planning and setting up our coffee roaster from scratch-moving from this to selling our coffee at markets was a long-held dream. I wanted to give a big jump to local people with the best coffee they had ever tasted locally. The market was filled with people like me - strivers, second chancers, dreamers - people willing to get up early and work hard to make something extraordinarily delicious without a lot of help. I was proud to be one of them. That Saturday was warm and breezy and those 12 coffee bags sold that day were just the beginning of an exciting and dared adventure. 

Freshly roasted coffee beans from Coffee Gems

Soon I moved to Wokingham market on Saturdays. Markets has been my graduate school, my melting pot, my think-tank, and my field to experiment. What I have learnt about coffee culture has been amazing as well as building such wonderful and strong relationships with coffee lovers and colleagues. Besides I truly discovered that sustainable food made with love, care and the best local ingredients mattered. Each Saturday we are greater than the sum of our parts, punching far above our weight and showing much of the country what a high-quality and sustainable food system could look like. 

Customers love the personal touch found in our markets, the farms we work with and learning how best to prepare and store their coffee... and we love engaging with our customers and assisting to improve their fascinating journey in this coffee experience.  Also we are happy to attend any question about our coffee by visiting