HUMBLE JUAN - Espresso Blend
The Pilgrim has always been one of our preffered classics.
This season, we present a two-coffee blend hailing from Central America and Brazil. From Mantiqueira de Minas in Minas Gerais, Brazil hails a naturally-processed Lempira and Rubi lot responsible for contributing body and creamy chocolate flavours. Joining it, from Nicaragua, comes a Catuai lot representative of the comforting and fruity acidities for which this region is lauded.
This season, we present a coffee blend hailing from Nicaragua and Mantiquiera de Minas, Brazil. Brazil hails a naturally-processed Catuai lot responsible for contributing a creamy comforting body and caramel sweetness flavours. Joining it, from Jinoteca, Nicaragua, comes a Catuai lot representative of the fruity and citric for which this region is lauded