THE PILGRIM - Espresso Blend
This past August, we had the opportunity to travel to the renowned Café Granja La Esperanza in Colombia, a producer well known for its exceptional coffees. During our visit, we participated in a cupping session, sampling sixteen unique coffees, each with its own distinct character. Two, in particular, captivated us with their extraordinary quality and flavour profiles, and we knew we had to share them with our Coffee Gems community.
One of these exceptional finds is the Pacamara XO (Score: 90.7). Grown at the high-altitude Finca Las Margaritas (1640 – 1830 masl), this coffee is nurtured by rich volcanic soil and ideal growing conditions. This coffee undergoes a unique process developed by Café Granja La Esperanza known as XO fermentation.
To start, the Brix levels of the cherries are carefully measured. Then, they are placed into GrainPro bags for approximately 70 hours, with rotations every 5 hours. This meticulous process ensures the cherries are evenly exposed to the fermentation must, ultimately highlighting the coffee's natural acidity and fruity notes.
Following fermentation, the beans are carefully dried in mechanical dryers at a constant 38°C for 8 to 12 days. Finally, the beans are stored in climate-controlled warehouses, maintaining optimal conditions until they're ready for roasting. We were so determined to preserve the freshness and quality of this limited-edition coffee that we brought a mini roaster with us to Colombia, allowing us to roast the beans to order for our customers.
Score: 90.70Pacamara
Cafe Granja La Esperanza
Valle del Cauca
1,640 - 1,830 masl
January 2024 – March 2024
Chocolate, Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Brown Sugar
Las Margaritas farm, located in Caicedonia, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, is defined by its unique microclimate. A flowing brook nourishes the verdant slopes, often shrouded in mist, creating ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. Farm manager Juan Carlos oversees modernized processing facilities, prioritizing efficient water use with a vertical demucilager and employing innovative fermentation techniques in their multi-compartment silo. While rejuvenating their Pacamara plot, Las Margaritas also cultivates Pink Bourbon and the recently released CGLE17 hybrid. The farm further distinguishes itself by inviting visitors to experience the "Field of Dreams," an area designed to foster appreciation for the farm's unique ecosystem and promote environmental awareness.