Best way to brew V60 coffee

v60 equipment needed for best brew recipe

At our coffee roastery, we have a special place in our hearts for the V60 pour-over method. We believe that the V60 allows for the true flavours of the coffee bean to shine through, and we take great care in selecting the perfect beans and providing step-by-step instructions to help you brew the perfect cup. Whether you're a coffee aficionado or a curious beginner, we hope our guide will help you discover the magic of brewing with a V60.

What is a V60 Coffee Dripper?

The V60 coffee dripper is a cone-shaped brewing device that allows for a precise and controlled pour over method of brewing coffee. It was created by the Japanese company Hario, and is considered one of the best pour over devices on the market. The V60 gets its name from its V-shaped cone, which features 60 degree angles.

The V60 is designed to work with thin, paper filters, which allow for a clean and pure extraction of the coffee. This is in contrast to metal filters, which can give coffee a metallic taste. The V60 is also designed to work with a wide range of grind sizes, making it a very versatile brewing device.

The V60 is the perfect solution for coffee enthusiasts who want to brew high-quality coffee at home (Check out our Hario V60 Coffee Dripper).

V60 Brewing Ratio:

The V60 coffee ratio is the key to brewing a delicious and balanced cup of coffee. The standard ratio for V60 brewing is 1:15, which means that for every 1 gram of coffee, you use 15 grams of water.

This ratio can be adjusted to suit your taste. However, it's important to remember that the coffee-to-water ratio is the foundation of a good pour over. If the ratio is off, your coffee may taste too weak or too strong.

V60 Brewing Guide:

  1. Start by heating water to the correct temperature, which is between 93-96°C.
  2. Next, place the V60 on top of a coffee mug or carafe. Then, insert a V60 coffee filter into the cone, making sure that the folded side is facing the spout.
  3. Add your coffee grounds to the filter. The coffee should be ground to a medium-fine consistency.
  4. Slowly pour a small amount of water (around 30 grams) over the coffee grounds, to allow them to "bloom". This process allows the coffee to release trapped gases, resulting in a better extraction.
  5. Once the bloom has settled, pour the rest of the water over the coffee in a slow and steady stream. Be sure to keep the water level consistently high, and try to pour in a spiral pattern to ensure all the grounds are saturated.
  6. Once all the water has been added, wait for the coffee to finish dripping through the V60, and enjoy your delicious homemade coffee!

V60 Grind:

The grind size for V60 brewing is important for getting the perfect balance between flavour and strength. A medium-fine grind is recommended for the V60, as it allows for a good extraction without making the coffee too strong or bitter.

If the grind is too fine, it may make the coffee taste too strong or bitter. If the grind is too coarse, the coffee may taste weak or watery. By using a medium-fine grind and adjusting the coffee-to-water ratio as necessary, you can achieve a delicious and balanced cup of coffee every time.

Differences in the v60 material:

The material of the V60 coffee dripper can have a subtle effect on the taste of the brewed coffee. Each material has its own unique properties that can affect the overall brewing experience.

Ceramic V60s are known for their heat retention properties, which can lead to a more consistent brewing temperature. This consistent temperature can result in a more balanced and well-rounded flavour in the coffee. However, it is important to note that ceramic V60s can vary in porosity which can lead to different taste experience.

Glass V60s, while they allow for a clear view of the brewing process, do not retain heat as well as ceramic or steel. This could lead to slight variations in brewing temperature, which can affect the taste of the coffee. Glass V60s do not add any taste to the coffee but the slight variation in temperature can affect the coffee's flavour.

Plastic and stainless steel V60s do not affect the taste of the coffee directly as they are not porous. However, they may not retain heat as well as ceramic or glass, which could lead to variations in brewing temperature and thus affect the coffee's flavour.

Differences with other pour over brewing methods:

The V60 pour over method is known for its precision and control, which allows for a clean and pure extraction of the coffee's flavours. However, it does require a steady hand and a bit of practice to master.

Other pour over methods, such as the Chemex and the Kalita Wave, have a different design and brewing process which can result in a slightly different taste in the final cup of coffee. The Chemex, for example, has a thicker filter that allows for a slower extraction, resulting in a smoother and sweeter coffee. The Kalita wave has a flat bottom design and unique wave filter that promotes a more consistent extraction and a more balanced coffee.

Kettle recommendation:

When it comes to kettles, the most important factor is temperature control. The V60 coffee brewing process is quite sensitive to temperature changes and a kettle that can hold and maintain the correct temperature is recommended.

A gooseneck kettle is ideal for the V60 pour over method, as it allows for a slow and precise pour, which can help to control the extraction process. A gooseneck kettle also makes it easier to pour in a spiral pattern over the coffee. A variable temperature kettle, that can be set to the specific temperature, is also a great option as you can set the exact brewing temperature.

Make sure to check out the V60 vs French Press blog

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