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Choosing the Best Coffee Beans for Your Coffee Shop [COMPLETE GUIDE]

How to Select the Best Coffee Beans for Your Coffee Shop?

how to choose coffee for your new coffee shop

In the UK, a lot of cups of coffee are consumed every day, making it one of (if not the) most popular beverages. As a result, the coffee sector is one of the most competitive globally.

Selecting coffee beans is for many a very intricate process, that begins with the decision on how to roast them and jumps into the many aspects of coffee blends. There are several factors that determine which coffee bean the consumer chooses to purchase at a coffee shop, online or at a supermarket. These factors include cost, personal taste, but most of all quality. In this detailed article I will teach you what criteria you must consider when deciding on which coffee beans to use in your shop (you may benefit from a UK coffee subscription).

As a result, if you want to create a coffee shop or currently have one, you must offer more than just ‘good' coffee. You may be wondering how this is possible. The solution is straightforward: high-quality coffee beans.

Coffee beans are the basic material that can make or kill your company. So, to select the best wholesale coffee beans (see our wholesale coffee beans), you must consider three factors:

  1. Coffee Seeds Available
  2. Method of Roasting
  3. Coffee Beans' Quality


Coffee beans for coffee shop

Coffee Seeds Available

All coffee beans, as you may know, come from a plant called ‘Coffea,' also known as the coffee tree. Coffee beans, though, aren't all created equal. In most cases, there are two broad classifications:

Arabica, a type of coffee originated in Ethiopia

It was the first grain to be grown specifically for this purpose, and it hails from Ethiopia. The most popular type of coffee in the world is 'Arabica coffee,' which accounts for 60% of global coffee production.

Arabica beans of high grade are mostly grown in Latin America and Africa, including:

  • Brazil is the largest country in South America and is renowned for producing high-quality Arabica coffee with notes of chocolate and nuts.
  • Myanmar is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia and is home to Arabica coffee with a bright, citrusy flavour profile.
  • Colombia is a South American country located in the northwestern region of the continent and is famous for its rich, full-bodied Arabica coffee with notes of caramel and fruit.
  • Costa Rica is a Central American country known for its beautiful beaches and biodiversity, and also produces Arabica coffee with a delicate acidity and floral notes.
  • Ecuador is a South American country located on the equator and produces Arabica coffee with a sweet, chocolatey taste and hints of fruit and floral notes.
  • Ethiopia is a country in the Horn of Africa and is the birthplace of Arabica coffee, with varieties that exhibit a wide range of flavour profiles, from floral and citrusy to earthy and spicy.
  • Guatemala is a Central American country known for its rich culture and history, and produces Arabica coffee with a bright acidity and notes of chocolate, fruit, and spices.

Brazil is the world's leading producer of Arabica coffee beans. In addition, there are more than 20 different types of Arabica beans, ranging from Caturra, Kent, and Mocca to Pacas and Villalobos.

As a result, if you're just getting started, we recommend investing in this specific bean variety for a variety of reasons:

  • It's the most widely available bean in terms of mass production.
  • 80 per cent of the world's coffee drinkers consume it.
  • It has a higher sugar content than other grains, and most people prefer sweeter combinations.
  • It's one of the most straightforward grains to work with.

It does, however, have drawbacks, as do practically all things in life. It is more expensive to buy Arabica coffee beans. Mostly because the Arabica plant produces fewer beans per year and has a high demand.

Robusta is a plant that is native to South America

The Robusta bean is only found in the Eastern hemisphere, specifically in Africa and Indonesia. Vietnam is now the world's leading producer and exporter of Robusta coffee, accounting for more than 40% of global output.

Due to their acidic character, Robusta beans are mostly used in instant coffee. They are less difficult to care for than Arabica coffee plants and offer a bigger production. As a result, if you're seeking low-cost beans, go no further!

Don't confuse the term "cheap" with "low-quality." Although Arabica beans offer a smoother flavour, that does not make them superior! Robusta beans have a long list of benefits, including the following:

  • They're flavorful and filling.
  • Caffeine content is higher than any other grain available.
  • They're utilised as diuretic, antioxidant, and natural stimulant.

Everything boils down to your target audience's demands and desires. Arabica is the way to go if your customers like sweet aromatic coffee, but Robusta is the way to go if they want the powerful taste of traditional espresso.

Furthermore, the use of mixtures has grown in popularity in recent years. The Arabica and Robusta beans are combined in a combination. These amplify flavours and aid in the creation of unusual mixtures. If you want to stand out from the crowd, this is a good move to make.

Here, at Coffee Gems Wholesale, we explain how to pick the best wholesale coffee beans for your coffee shop.

Method of Roasting You Amazing Flavours of Coffee

roasting coffee for wholesale

Always inquire about the roasting method used by the service provider. It may seem obvious, but if you want high-quality coffee, this is an important consideration.

The person in charge of roasting the coffee, known as the "Toaster," must be properly trained. It necessitates prior experience, and not everyone is capable of performing this task! Aside from roasting, the roasting process entails several other important duties. Sorting, chilling, and packaging your grains are all tasks that are complementary to each other.

You should also think about the roasting method employed during the process. This will eventually determine what kind of product you'll sell. Roasting is done in a variety of ways, the most frequent of which are:

  • Clear: this type of roasting produced higher acidity coffee.
  • Light: this one has a hint of acid with high levels of caffeine.
  • Average American: this is the most traditional toasting method used by most companies or at home. 
  • Dark: this type is accustomed to knowledgeable coffee drinkers. It is less bitter and with higher sweetness.

Finally, pay attention to the colour of the beans you're buying. When it comes to roasting coffee, colour is the most important variable. This characteristic serves as a guide for determining whether the coffee you sell in your cafe will be acidic or sweet. The grain will be sweeter the more it has been toasted. The acidity increases as the roasting time decrease.

The team here at CoffeeGems explains how to pick the best wholesale coffee beans for your coffee shop.

Coffee Beans Quality

Coffee beans have grades, believe it or not. Grains are classified into distinct classes based on their quality.

Coffee screening is a time-consuming and technically demanding process. As a result, the sole question you should be asking as a coffee business owner is: how are coffee beans graded?

  1. Specialty Grade: This is the highest grade of coffee beans and is reserved for beans that score 80 or above on a 100-point scale. These beans are carefully grown, harvested, and processed to ensure their unique flavor profile is preserved.
  2. Premium Grade: Premium grade coffee beans are also high quality but may not have the same exceptional flavor as specialty grade beans. They typically score between 75 and 79 on the 100-point scale.
  3. Exchange Grade: This is a commercial grade of coffee beans that meet specific quality standards set by the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). These beans are often used in large-scale coffee production and are graded on size, color, and defects.
  4. Standard Grade: Standard grade coffee beans are a lower quality than exchange grade beans and are often used in instant coffee or other low-quality coffee products.
  5. Off-Grade: Off-grade coffee beans are defective or damaged beans that do not meet the quality standards of other grades. These beans are often used in blends or sold for a lower price.

Apart from that, businesses must certify the quality of their coffee. It is necessary to think about which processes require special certification, such as in the case of "organic" coffees.

So what's next for your new coffee shop?

As you can see, selecting the best wholesale coffee beans is simpler than you might think! All you need is sufficient training, a fundamental comprehension of the foundations of coffee-making, and, of course, a decent comprehension of what your clients desire.

The quality of your product will ultimately be determined by the coffee bean. As a result, picking a wholesaler is a process that should not be taken lightly. It's crucial to devote time to the process and consider all of your possibilities. Overall, different coffee beans have various quality variances that you can benefit from by experimenting with their taste.

Questions to Ponder

Is there anything else I should think about?
Although the type of seed, roasting procedure, and grade of coffee beans are the most significant considerations when selecting the correct coffee beans for your shop, you should also consider the following:

The essence and flavours of the roasted coffee bean start to fade quickly during transportation. As a result, if you want to keep things as fresh as possible, you should think about the quickest and easiest mode of transportation. Also, see if your country or a neighbouring one produces coffee. You'll save time and get better results as a result of this.

Packaging: As soon as your grains are dry, vacuum seals them to preserve their organoleptic qualities.

How can I figure out what kind of coffee my prospective customers prefer?

You can perform market research in several different methods. Conducting "preference tests" with potential clients, on the other hand, is the most efficient way. Customers sample a variety of grains during these evaluations before choosing their favourite. This will assist you in gaining a better understanding of your target market.

Investigating the competition is another excellent technique to assess the demands and desires of your "Buyer Persona" or ideal customer. You may make an educated guess about the type of beans they utilise based on their menu. Additionally, coffee shops frequently publicise the origins and procedures of their coffee.

You can also simply ask around and take notes, or wait in a nearby coffee shop and jot down what clients are purchasing. Consider it as practice for your future projects! If all of the above isn't enough, imagine yourself in the shoes of a customer, and consider what you'd like to see, what's missing, and what you enjoy at your local coffee shop. It's your company, after all!

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